Thursday, April 23, 2009

Malta Buses

The Malta bus is one of the most followed buses by enthusiasts through postcards, photos or videos. They are a breed of their own with their particular character which the Maltese drivers tend to lovingly give with decorations and personalised touches.

The new generation, that was born after the 60s, might not remember the colourful range of buses every Maltese village boasted of. You can spot your bus from far away through its colours. Nowadays they are all in one colour and you notice your bus by the number on the windshield when it is close to you - a rather nuisance to seniour citizens that had used to spot them from afar.

Here are some memory joggers of the times when buses were colourful.

Past Malta Buses Past Malta Buses Mary A selection of past Malta buses before the 1960s when they were coloured according to the village.

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